10 Pictures That Prove “Anything Can Happen In India”

India is a country of Miracle and Miracles happen when you believe in them. And, when it comes to India we are a firm believer that “anything can happen”. No, doubt I love my country for what it is and there are ample of reasons to love it. Jugaad is our favorite thing to do, and we can do it anyway. And, here are few pictures that shows anything is possible and India can tickle your funny bone without even giving any special efforts

1.Overload with Responsibilities

Not everybody can afford a car in India, but everybody can afford to come up with a Jugaad


2.Highly Professional – Everything

So, what if we bunk the office because of Father’s Friends’ Son’s Cold & Fever, We are still highly professional


3. We are just like Planets

We have reached Moon, Mars and when you land back to India, you will find hardly any difference


4. More than Expected Work Pressure

This happens not only with human beings but also with machines


5. The same blood flows through our veins

Salla… aaj se daru pina band……………!!!


6. No Better Way To Tell How Worse The Situation is

Sorry to The Indian Government: But This is a harsh Reality


7. You just cannot say that “We are Illiterate”

India has high number of studious students, just like him.


8. Life Line for most of Us to Survive

Just like Different Indian states and their taste, Indian Drinking Habit is also very varied


9. We are Considerate towards Each Other

Humanity is what we all abide by, After all – Insaaniyat naam ki bhi koi CHEESE hoti hai


10. We adhere by Everything that is “Desi”

Whatsapp, Facebook and everything can be converted into Desi Issshtyle


Baby, Its India and anything can happen 😉

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