10 Signs That Your House May Be Haunted

10 Signs That Your House May Be Haunted - RVCJ Media

although you may think there is a scientific reason behind everything, but sometimes somewhere things are unexplained an unexpected too. if you think you have some suspicious things going around in the house, than read about these signs.Here we mention you some signs which shows your house may be haunted.

1. If you hear some unexplained noises at home, remember there are spirits called poltergeists (noisy spirits).


2. Sudden changes in air temperature is a good indicator of spirits nearby.


3. You may see some strange shadows or shapes of any kind at the corners.


4. A spirit may sometime bring it scent, such as cigar smoke or flesh flowers. Strange Smells


5. Some spirits like to move objects and open the doors often.


6. Are you being touched when no one else is around?


7. You can see a strange behavior from pets like barking, growling for no reasons.


8. If you are leaving in a haunted house, Your child has a an “Imaginary Friend”


9. When lamps, televisions or appliances begin to flicker or turn off and on their own without a possible explanation.


10. You may experience strange dreams and terrors at night.


So, did you experience such thins at home? Do you reside in a haunted house?

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