These 10 Signs Will Tell You That Your Boyfriend Is Not A Real Man

Every girl of this cruel world wants to be committed with a guy who is mature enough and knows very well how to handle situations of any kind .

He know how to cheer you up and even give you advise or suggestions on any problem you’re facing. In fact he is always there by your side and always protect you against any situation and unconditionally .

So who will want to be with a guy who lacks these amazing qualities 😛 Of course no women will ever want this.
These following signs will help you recognize that kinda person.

1. Real man always knows how to express their feelings


2. A real man never makes you wait for him

3. A real man introduce you to your family

4. He is always ready with an excuse whenever you ask him to pick you up

5. He never make you pay bills after anything

6. You would always have a shoulder to cry on

7. He is selfish even in bed. He only wants to be satisfied


8. He makes you feel of No use

9. He don’t know how to communicate

10. A real man don’t have any problem with your guy friends

Check the above points in your guy before getting in to a serious relationship 🙂
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