10 Things Your Boyfriend Never Wants To Hear From You

10 Things Your Boyfriend Never Wants To Hear From You - RVCJ Media

Some things must be taken into consideration for smooth succession of any relationship, especially love relation! It’s very powerful yet delicate and hence, it’s necessary that you be little cautious with it!

In this article, we have listed 10 things which no girl should ever say to her boyfriend otherwise it will affect their relationship! Check out and see whether you are not making these mistakes:

1. Talking about your Ex and comparing your boyfriend with him:


Regardless of how friendly he is, he can never tolerate comparison with your ex-boyfriend even when you don’t mean it and said just for making him jealous or in a funny tone. On the contrary, he would believe that you couldn’t forget your past till now, which will surely ruin it all.

2. Criticizing his ex:


Just like he can’t bear talking about your ex, he won’t like to discuss anything related to his ex as well. Everybody has a past which may be beautiful yet painful and many people prefer not discussing it. It will be a wise idea not to drag your or his ex between you two until the matter is very serious.

3. Why do you love me?


A girl likes to hear good things about herself and hence, she has the tendency of asking again and again as to why her boyfriend loves her. Can’t you just understand that it’s a feeling which cannot always be expressed in words. He loves you and he might not be able to cite reasons for it and when you repeatedly ask this question, he gets irritated.

4. I hate your mother:


Every boy loves his mom and no matter how much he loves you, you can never ever take his mother’s place. You may have your own reasons of disliking her and there are many other ways of expressing it other than using ‘hate’.

5. Asking troublesome questions:


“Is she pretty?”, “Am I fat?”, “Am I looking beautiful?” and any such question which can get him in trouble is definitely not likable on his part and even you know it, don’t you? It would be better to avoid them if you want sweetness in your relationship.

6. It’s okay/I’m fine/Never mind:


When you say ‘I’m fine’, it simply means that you are not and something is upsetting you. You both know it and if you don’t tell him about it, you will complicate things further.

7. Making him feel worthless:


If you make him realize that he doesn’t know his priorities or his future is dark, he has divided aims or he can’t do anything fruitful in his life, this will do nothing other than demoralizing him. Don’t try to dominate him with your negative approach if you can’t encourage him for something better. He is mature enough to take decisions of his life; just give him some time and space.

8. Your friends are not good:


Even though he loves you, he has a personal life too and he needs space in it. You might not like his friends but it must not be the case with him otherwise he would have left their company long ago. By condemning his friends, you might hurt him and chances are that he may make distance with you. Yes, that’s true!

9. Appreciating other men:


Talking about your favorite actor is okay but if you intentionally or unintentionally make him jealous by appreciating or discussing about other men’s qualities while at the same time, compare him with them and disrespect him, it is certainly a big NO.

10. If you really loved me, you would do it:


Of course, he loves you and he doesn’t need to prove it over and over again. Don’t taunt him by saying such remarks. No one is perfect and he makes utmost efforts to make you happy. When you talk like this, he only gets disheartened.

So make sure you don’t do any of these things if you want your relation to go on smoothly.

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