10 Most Unethical And Wrong Experiments Done On Human

We have already heard about the most brutal torture methods done on human, and here gathered some information about the most unethical and wrong experiments done on human.

1. US army sponsored a study which resulted in hardening the skin and was introduced to protect the soldiers from chemical emissions.

Skin scars and needle


2. Leo Stanley invented the study of testicles transplants, because he believed that males who commit crimes had low level of testosterone.


3. Dr. Walter Jones recommened boling water as the cure for pneumonia, and latter slaves doused with boiling water


4. Marion Sims introduced a theory of vaginal surgery without anesthesia, which abnormally connects the bladder to vagina and was really painful.


5. North Korean experiment includes sealing of chambers and then injected the poison through tubes where families die out of suffocation.


6. The monster study includes giving positive speech to half and negative speech to half where children who went through negative speech suffered negative psychological effects.


7. Accidental bubonic plague was an attempt to find the perfect Cholera vaccine, which resulted in deaths of 13 subjects.


8. A person suffering from ulcer in her head went through electric current which was directly inserted into the brain. However, she went into coma and died.


9. Stanford prison experiment was a physiological study which saw the behavior of authorities and inmates in prison and also observed some abusive behavior.


10. Surgery to treat insanity included extracting teeth and tonsil and they would also go deeper by removing the internal organs.


These were the most unethical and wrong experiments done on human.

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