8 Donkeys Jailed For 4 Days. Anything & Everything Can Happen In UP

Uttar Pradesh and weird news go hand in hand. Yet another bizarre incident came to light in UP yesterday in Orai’s district jail.

Well, 8 donkeys were jailed for 4 days in Orai jail. It was indeed a unique sight; did you ever imagine that even donkeys can be put behind bars?

8 Donkeys Jailed For 4 Days. Anything & Everything Can Happen In UP - RVCJ Media

They were jailed by Superintendant Sita Ram Sharma, after he saw donkeys chewing expensive plants that prison authorities had purchased for planting inside the jail. He got so furious that he caught hold of the animals and jailed them.

He stated that the authorities had brought in different kinds of saplings so as to plant them in jail premises for adding to the beauty. Since the donkeys damaged everything, he imprisoned them.

The owner of donkeys requested the authorities to leave the donkeys but they were in no mood to listen.

After that, he made an appeal to Shakti Gahoi, a BJP leader, who immediately approached the prison authorities and asked them to let the donkeys go.

The donkey owner said,

“For two days, I could not find my horses and donkeys. When I came to know that they are in jail, I sought the help from local BJP leaders. With their intervention the animals were released. With a ruling party leader making the request, the prison official immediately signed the release orders.”

Locals were surprised to see donkeys coming out of the jail, as it was an unexpected sight.

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