This Cute 8-Yr Girl Was Called FAT By Her Crush But Now, Twitter Can’t Stop Loving Her

The society we live in still needs to understand that body-shaming someone is the meanest act that you are doing with the person. An individual should never be judged just by physical looks because nature and inner goodness are more important than anything else in the world.

What is more worrying is the fact that this trend of body-shaming or fat-shaming has been practiced by school kids too and this is something which definitely needs to be stopped.

A Twitter user named Briseyda Ponce from Irving, Texas, has shared the story of her 8 years old cousin Allysson Baires on the micro-blogging site. As per Buzzfeed, Briseyda runs every day and as one day, she was getting ready, Allysson came to her and asked whether she could also run with her.

This Cute 8-Yr Girl Was Called FAT By Her Crush But Now, Twitter Can’t Stop Loving Her - RVCJ Media

While running, Allysson told Briseyda that she wanted to do it because some kids from her class and the boy on whom she had a crush, Hector, had called her fat.

She tweeted, “The girls in her class & her crush Hector called her fat so she told me to take her on my run but mid run she pulls out a snack”

Here’s what Briseyda told Allysson,

“I [explained] to her how beauty isn’t physical, and if she wants to work out or run it has to because she wants to be healthy, not because of others’ opinions about her body. We [laughed] it off.”

After running a little, Allysson got tired and started having a snack, as Briseyda told,

“I turn around to check on her and she’s munching on a Rice Krispie [Treat]. I couldn’t stop laughing.”

They both stopped running and “Instead we just walked around the block talking, trying to make her understand how beautiful she is.”

Briseyda found it so cute and lovable that she decided to share it on Twitter and in no time, people started pouring love on lovely Allysson.

Hector doesn’t deserve her:

She’s beautiful just the way she is:

Such a cute girl must not suffer:

Angry Twitter users:

She’s just perfect and can keep on eating:

Her classmates and that boy must be blind:

Go to hell, Hector!

There few real questions are!

Finally, even a Hector replied (Well, not the real one):

Briseyda never thought that her tweet and her cousin will get so much attention but she is thankful to everyone for such wonderful support. She further said, “It’s been fun and everyone has been so kind to Allysson.” She called Allysson a smart girl and added, “She kind of brushed everything off and forgot about it.”

It is the time to tell the body-shamers that We DO NOT Care.


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