Fan Called Cancer Survivor Lisa Ray Too Old, She Gave Him An Epic Reply.

Fan Called Cancer Survivor Lisa Ray Too Old, She Gave Him An Epic Reply. - RVCJ Media

Lisa Ray is another name of bravery. She is one of those people who holds an iron will and determination for herself. In 2009, when she was diagnosed with blood cancer, everyone was shocked.

But, she put up a brave fight and after one year she was declared a cancer survivor. She emerged victorious in the face of that dire difficulty and struggle.

Recently, she posted a selfie and a fan was quick enough to comment that she is looking too old. Here is the selfie that she posted from her Toronto vacation.

A fan commented ‘Too old’. Lisa Ray then took to twitter to express her own thoughts about surviving cancer and making all the way in life, struggling and winning. Here is what she wrote.

After receiving this fitting reply, who was brave enough to put her thoughts into the right words, that twitter user also apologized. Here what he wrote.

To which, Lisa was kind enough to accept and also explained how society speaks through us.

Lisa’s brave reply gathered much appreciation from all around. Many celebrities applauded her and some even slammed that twitter user.

So, here wishing her all the very best in all her endeavors. We can only say,You go girl!

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