Hats Off To Sushma Swaraj! She Helped Rescue 8-Month Baby From Yemen Seeing Mother’s Tweet

Operation Rahat is unquestionably counted among the most challenging and toughest ones and it is creditable on the part of Modi and BJP that they have exhibited great guts, going an extra mile for saving Indians as well as foreigners hailing from over 40 nations.

In general, V K Singh was seen as a pioneer carrying out everything but another individual who appeared to be consistently devoted for help and gave utter assistance is Sushma Swaraj.

She is really worthy of our praises owing to her being greatly helpful when a mother pleaded for help via Twitter for saving the life of her 8 months old child. Sushma gave an instant response and what happened afterwards is here:


In few days, both were safely rescued.

This act of Sushma was admired by PM Modi too.

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