Here’s The List Of Most Googled Products Of Each Country & You Won’t Believe What’s India’s

The world’s largest search engine “Google” has changed our lives completely. It is a common perception now that Google knows everything; you can ask any question from Google and you’ll definitely get an answer.

However, sometimes Google also reveals some interesting facts about a nation such as what is searched more in a particular country or what is that product/thing in which the citizens of a particular country are more interested., a cost-estimating website, has made a map of the whole world which shows the product which is searched most on the Google and the results are certainly surprising.

So first of all, let us tell you what is the most Googled product/word in India… Well, the answer to this question is COW. Even more amazingly, not just India, five countries in Africa – South Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia, Mozambique and Sudan also Googled cow the most.


Pakistan searched the most for weddings:

Ireland in Europe loves looking for funeral; shocking, isn’t it? And Spain Googled for food the most:

South America’s Brazil loves to look for prostitutes:

Tummy Tucks is most Googled in Mexico, North America:

Australians Googled for IVF:

And Antartica Googled land the most:

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