If This Was Taught During Our School Days – Learning Would Have Been So Much Fun

I have got beaten up badly in school days for always gulping up a few alphabets and then starting over again with the same session. And, I feel so bad now that I could not learn ABCD like a pro back then, it looks so simple now. But at the same time I hate the advancement in this generation who always come up with new and cool ways of learning and mastering the skill of STUDYING.

Jealous – Just look at this posts by Simon Koay Illustration who made it so easy to remember the alphabets.

Where were this illustrators during our days? 🙁 🙁

1. Captain America


2. Batman

3. Cyclops

4. Daredevil

5. Elektra

6. Flash

7. Ghost Rider

8. Hulk

9. Iron Man


11. Killer Croc

12. Loki

13. Mystique

14. Nightcrawler

15. Omega Red

16. Poison Ivy

17. Quicksilver

18. Riddler

19. Spiderman

20. Two-face

21. Ultron

22. Venom

23. Wolverine

24. Professor X

25. Yellowjacket

26. Zatanna

So, Now when you hear A for Apple, B for Ball – Please correct yourself!

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