Kapil Told Sunil “Pehle Logon Ko Hasa Ke Dikha”. Sunil Gave The Best Reply

Kapil Sharma vs Sunil Grover is not coming to an end though fans expected that they will be together this year. It all started when Sunil Grover tweeted that he has not been approached for Kapil’s new show i.e Family Time With Kapil.

Kapil Told Sunil "Pehle Logon Ko Hasa Ke Dikha". Sunil Gave The Best Reply - RVCJ Media

This infuriated Kapil and he called Sunil a lier. Replying to Sunil’s tweet, Kapil said that he had called him several times and even visited his house for the show. This didn’t stop there and continued with Sunil posting a note in support of his previous tweet.

Now during a recent interview, Sunil was asked about his latest Twitter fight with Kapil. He was asked that if feels hurt about Kapil calling him a lier.

Sunil replied-

“I am not hurt. I know he called me a liar and also said pehle hassa ke dikha logon ko…. I am worried about Kapil’s health. Just look at the time of the tweets. How can I be hurt? I just pray to god that Kapil stays healthy and takes care of himself.”

He further added-

“We both are mature people and have even met after the incident last year. There are many things that happened between the two of us since then, and I don’t think I should talk about it. I don’t want to do mud-slinging. I worked with him on two great shows though it was for a temporary period. I will be always thankful.”


When asked why did he decide to talk about the fight now, he said-

“I was tired of the fan’s continuous questions about whether I was going to be a part of Kapil’s upcoming show, so I decided to answer it. But I had no intentions to fight with Kapil or say any nasty things about him. I remained silent even after the fight that took place last year. I never said anything. I was under pressure since few days as my fans kept on asking me if I am doing the show and I just reacted.”

We wonder when and how this fight will end.

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