Major Gaurav Arya Spoke Against National Anthem Rule. Gets Reply From Other Soldiers

Much has been talked about the rule of standing in respect of National Anthem in cinema halls.

There are a huge number of people who feel that patriotism can’t be justified by just standing in front of the national anthem. It has much deeper meaning and there should be no compulsion to stand while the national anthem is playing in cinema halls.

Major Gaurav Arya Spoke Against National Anthem Rule. Gets Reply From Other Soldiers - RVCJ Media

On the contrary, there are people who feel that standing in the respect of national anthem is the least a citizen can do for their country so it should be compulsory for all.

The debate was going on when Supreme Court ruled out this rule and announced that it’s not mandatory for people to stand up during the national anthem in cinema halls.

But the decision made the debate even more intense as an Indian Soldier himself took to Twitter to share his thoughts. The soldier Major Gaurav Arya wrote-

If you can’t stand for the national anthem, don’t expect me to stand for you.

– An Indian Soldier

Coming from an Indian Soldier who served the nation in reality it was a huge blow and it was meant to taken seriously. Major Gaurav Arya’s tweet striked controversy and got different opinions and reactions. Some army officers also reacted and said they don’t agree with his opinion. Take a look at some reactions-



Many citizens also reacted-







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