Man Called Periods Pain A Myth On Twitter, Got A Much-Needed Lesson & Epic Thrashing From Users

Life of a woman is very tough as they are the ones who carry baby in their womb for nine months and then either deliver it normally undergoing a huge amount of pain or get operated and bear the consequences of the procedure on their health for life time.

Even if we don’t talk about pregnancy, men can’t imagine the pain of menstruation. We are sure that everybody who is reading this article knows the meaning of menstruation but still let us describe it! Menstruation is a process in which blood and mucosal tissue are discharged from the inner lining of the uterus through woman’s private part. It happens once in a month and the blood is discharged for up to five continuous days (it may also differ depending on the body type).

Man Called Periods Pain A Myth On Twitter, Got A Much-Needed Lesson & Epic Thrashing From Users - RVCJ Media
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Women experience a lot of pain, cramps, mood swings and many other problems depending from person to person.

At present, Twitter is having a debate on this topic as a user by the name of @goldenconceptng asked, “What is worse than a broken heart?” and in response, he got a reply “Menstrual pain, homelessness, hunger etc.” He further wrote, “As a guy, I think menstrual pain is a myth” and Twitter just lost it.

The guy was trolled in a kickass way and here are few selected reactions:

The pain is like:

Satirical take:

Women’s sufferings when having periods:

Should it be called ‘Pleasure’?

There are some sensible men too!

Do you?

“As a guy”:

Damn right!

My reaction:

Here again!

No uterus, no opinion!


What could be worse than this?

Epic insult:


Mind it!

How can someone be so stupid?

A much-needed lesson, isn’t it?

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