Police Officer Hung Himself In Front Of Wife! How And Why This Happened Is So Shocking!

You will definitely find this incident very strange! Well, a 26 year old police constable identified as Govind Balaji Devde is quite critical. Reason? Well, he accidentally hanged himself! Wondering how it happened? Well, he was giving a demonstration to his wife as to how those criminals are hanged and in midst of showing all that, he accidentally hanged himself.


Govind Devde belonged to Mumbai Police’s Local Arms Division and he was demonstrating how they prepare the noose and hang death row convicts. Govind came home from work at 3.30 pm and this particular incident happened around 4.30 pm. The police officer stated

“After coming home, his wife told him that due to incessant rains the washed clothes were not drying up. She asked him to tie a string inside the house in order to dry the clothes. After fixing a clothesline, Govind took a sari and began to prepare noose,”

Further he added

“In order to demonstrate to his wife how a person is hanged, Govind put the noose around his neck. It was at that time the stool on which he was standing slipped and he started struggling for life. He remained in suspended position for some time,”

Govind’s wife panicked after seeing this and immediately called neighbors to seek help. Then the neighbors came in and cut the ‘noose’, after which they rushed him to a nearby hospital.

Now, the man’s condition is extremely critical and treatment is going on! So guys what do you think about this? Shocked to hear this, isn’t it? Do let us know your thoughts in our comments section below!

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