Snake Charmer Was Performing With Cobra To Entertain Viewers & Suddenly Cobra Entered Crowd

Snake Charmer Was Performing With Cobra To Entertain Viewers & Suddenly Cobra Entered Crowd - RVCJ Media

Snake charmers used to be a good source of entertainment once upon a time in our country; however, they are not seen quite often presently or you rarely get a chance to enjoy their show in most parts of India. Nevertheless, you may avail yourself of the same at a few places.

Here we are talking about snake charmers because a video is circulating over web and social media that might send chills down your spine. During an act a snake charmer was performing, a cobra entered the crowd, leaving people shocked and traumatized.

The dreadful happening took place when snake charmer, in a ring, was presenting an amazing act. Audience was very cheery when he kissed cobra and then pulled it by tail. Afterward, he entered the crowd and all of a sudden, cobra was out of his grip. It moved outside the ring towards viewers and audience was in a frightening state.

However, situation was under control when snake charmer held cobra back in the ring but it must have been a terrifying and unforgettable experience for people enjoying the show.

Watch The Video Of The Incident:


Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube

How would have you felt if you had been there in the crowd? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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