Things That Every Indian Girl Is Taught Since Birth

1. That you should not get too much involved with boys because a girl and a boy can never be friends.giphy

2. That Boys are stronger than girls

3. That a girl’s life is to take care of her children and her entire family after her marriage.

4. That a girl should know how to cook so that she doesn’t have to hear anything from her mother-in-law after “marriage”

5. That jobs like architecture, hotel management, pilot, etc are made for males only.

6. That she should marry a man who has a government job or is an IAS

7. That things like love are bullsh*t and getting physical with someone make a girl impure

8. That a girl who always hang out with boys is a shame on her family because it is a woman’s responsibility to keep the honour of her family. That’s her first job.

9. That girls are “paraya-dhan” and boys will stay with their parents till their death.


Can you think of any other bullsh*t that you (girls) have to hear at home from your parents or relatives? Do tell us and let other girls know too that every India parent or Indian Aunty is the same. 😉

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