Twitter Went Crazy On This Hilarious Judgement From HC About Chappal & Sandal!

India is a country more popular for its versatile and at times bizarre culture. As all we Indians are bizarre in our own ways, the Indian Judiciary too needs to act a tad weird sometimes and judge cases that have a funny side to it. No matter what the case is though, the judiciary has to attend it and come up with a decision that effectively delivers justice.

Twitter Went Crazy On This Hilarious Judgement From HC About Chappal & Sandal! - RVCJ Media

A few days ago, Delhi High Court came up with a verdict that not just delivered justice but also a reason for twitteratis to go berserk. The case involved a dispute between a footwear company and the customs department. As per the orders from the centre, 10% Custom Duty Drawback is applicable on Sandals while that applicable for Chappals is only 5%.

Without a Backstrap
With a Backstrap

The applicant, Wishall International, a Chennai based footwear company, claimed that their products were Sandals, and thus demanded a 10% drawback. The Revenue Department argued that the products were Chappals and thus the company received a 5% drawback. To resolve this complex scenario, the Delhi HC came up with a definition for Sandals. The Delhi HC stated that Footwear without backstrap is a Sandal and not Chappal. This solved the case but triggered a series of tweets trolling the Delhi HC’s judgement. The Hindu through its twitter handle reported the judgement and that made the whole twitter community go crazy.

This is the tweet from The Hindu that had set twitter on fire

Twitteratis hardly bothered reading the whole story and started trolling HC for taking out time to define Sandals. That said, twitter was more funny after that than the decision itself. Here is a collection of few of the funniest tweets

There were a few sensible tweets too that tried to justify the decision

We hope HC keeps delivering judgement on every other case just like they did on this one. Also, we hope twitteratis read the whole story before making a joke out of it from next time. Do let us know your views about this twitter-declared funny HC judgement.

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