What Donald Trump Said Will Boil The Blood Of Every Indian

Real Estate businessman turned politician Donald Trump has once again set his guns blazing on India as he held India responsible for leaving Americans jobless. On Sunday, Donald (69) pledged that if he gets elected as a President, he will bring all the jobs back to America that has been transferred to India. Donald Trump has emerged as the front runner for the Republican presidential elections and he hopes to win the Republican primary in each of the 11 states on the coming Tuesday.

While speaking in a public rally at a Tennessee local airport which was attended by around 5,000 individuals (here let us tell you that this number of people is quite huge in itself as per this standard), he made a promise of “making America great again” and for this, he would grab the jobs back from nations, such as Mexico, Japan, China and India. Trump also assured the crowd that he would close the US-Mexican border by making a wall, revoking Obama care and destroying the terrorist organization ISIS.


After every statement made by him, there were chanting of “USA, USA” as well as “Trump, Trump”.

In the words of Trump, “What I did on June 16, we came out and we started talking about trade, how we’re being ripped off with China, ripped off with Japan, ripped off with Mexico at the border and then trade, ripped off by Vietnam, and by India, and by every country.”

He further said, “They are taking our jobs. China is taking our jobs. Japan is taking our jobs. India is taking our jobs. It is not going to happen anymore, folks!”

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