You’ll Crave For Having 8 Million Fans On Instagram After Watching This Video

You’ll Crave For Having 8 Million Fans On Instagram After Watching This Video - RVCJ Media

Nowadays, most of us live two lives in parallel, one that we live socially and the second one is that we live on the social networking websites. Views, likes and shares are the parameters on which our popularity or our importance depends on! But how often we feel let down when our friend’s photo gets more likes than our photo? It happens quite a lot, doesn’t it?

Nevertheless, have you ever thought how does it feel to be a celebrity who receives likes in the count of lakh on social networking websites and how does their pushnotification look like? If you want to know it, we have a video for you to watch!

Demy De Zeeuw, has an Instagram account named 443 which is all about soccer, has shared a video on Facebook which has a caption that says, “When you post epic content on 8 million followers, this is how your pushnotification will look like.”

Just have a look at the video:

Click here to watch this video directly on Facebook

Wishing you too could get so many notifications?

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