With like rest other parts of the world, everyone is facing through the major problem of pollution. Due to high rates of pollution there are various environment imbalance taking place, which predicts that human life would end one fine day. Many of us live in a surrounding of unhealthy air and environment. Here we mention you about the most polluted places in the world.
1. Citarum River, Indonesia is heavily polluted by human activity by about five million people living in its basin and more than 2000 contaminating the river.
2. Ahvaz, Iran is now among the most polluted places in the world according to world health organization where the condition is worst due to pollution.
3. Linfen, China is one among the highly polluted place due to dramatic increase in the price of coal leading to severe environmental damage.
4. Lake Karachay, Russia is a small lake which has now used as a dumping site for radioactive waste from Mayak.
5. Vapi, India is a 400 km long belt of industrial estates with high level of mercury which is reported to be 96 times higher than WHO safety levels.
6. Dzerzhinsk, Russia is the world’s most chemically polluted city with a life expectancy of 42 years of men and women with its death rate exceeding its birth rate by 260%.
7. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is high on pollution due to burning of fossil fuels and industrial pollution where the problem is going out of control.
8. Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan has 23 tailing dumps and 13 waste rock, where many residents suffered from various health problems in the country.
9. La Oroya, Peru is mining town in the Peruvian Andes which is exposed to various toxin emissions and wastes of plants.
10. Riachuelo Basin in Argentina is lined by nearly 4,000 factories, 42 garbage dumps, and 13 slums which makes is also included in the list.