These 10 Symptoms May Be Indicative Of A Heart Attack

Not all heart problems have warning signs. You don’t have to experience a chest clutch, followed by unconsciousness which is usually seen in movies. There are some symptoms of heart attack which would seem to be so normal that there hardly any doubt of heart attack. Watch out for these symptoms:

1.Chest discomfort

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This is a very common heart attack symptom. If one is having an attack, pressure, tightness and pain would be felt in the chest.

2.Nausea, stomach pain or indigestion

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This is seen in many people with heart attack. Some people tend to vomit continuously. Consult a doctor in such cases.

3.Pain in the arm

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Usually, while having a heart attack, you will feel immense pain in your arm, especially on your left.

4.Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

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Many things might make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, but if it happens all of a sudden, it might be a warning sign of heart attack.

5.Jaw or throat pain

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Primarily, throat or jaw pain doesn’t have an association with heart attack. But if there is pain in the chest, which spreads to the jaw or throat, you need to watch out.

6.You will be exhausted very easily

Businessman napping at desk in office

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          If you suddenly feel exhausted or fatigued, you need to see a doctor as it might be a warning sign of heart attack.

7.Unusual snoring

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Little snoring is OK. But if you are snoring unusually and loudly, it might put pressure on the heart and might be a possible symptom of heart attack,

8.Cough that doesn’t stop at all

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Usually, cough isn’t a problem, but when one is already having a heart disease, it might be a matter of concern. Watch out for this symptom of heart attack if you are having a heart disease


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If you sweat a lot suddenly and that too without a reason, there is a possibility of heart attack. Watch out for other symptoms as well

10.Ankles, feet and legs are swollen

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This might be a possible sign if the heart isn’t pumping up blood effectively. If it isn’t pumping fast, blood backs up in veins, causing bloating and then heart attack.

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