Girls having long hair seem to be an endangered species which is rare to find nowadays, especially in big cities. However, if you are one of those beautiful girls who have long and lovely hair, then you must be feeling your value as gold or diamond. But if you don’t have long hair, then you will get to know what you are missing after reading this post…
1. What’s the secret?
Everyone wants to know the secret behind such long and beautiful hair and asks about the problems you face in managing them in addition to the time taken in making them such long.
2. Your boyfriend or husband likes to get hidden in your hair when he lies on your lap in romantic mood.
And whenever he kisses you, a strand of your hair too is not left unkissed.
3. You become the soul and highlight of any and every party.
People symbolize you as an icon of Indian beauty. No matter whether you let your hair loose or tie them up in a juda or a lovely plait, every Tom, Dick and Harry becomes your admirer.
4. You can’t afford to wash your hair daily.
Whenever you want to wash hair, your routine has to be rescheduled because ample time is needed in washing and taking care of them afterwards. In wintry weather, you prefer to wait for proper sunshine before you wash them so that they get dried up and you don’t catch a cold.
5. You always instruct your hair stylist to only trim hair as least as possible when you go for a haircut.
Besides, you ask him/her more ways to maintain their prettiness and increase the length. In fact, you always want two inches more regardless of how long they are.
6. You think thousand times before going out with loose hair.
And mostly, you knot them even when you badly crave for flaunting the hair dancing on the tunes of wind.