1) Assuring your partner that you are there for them –
Whenever they might need you, in whatever situation… you need to make them feel secure and confident with your support.
2) You mean more to me, than anyone else –
Even more than your parents, or closest friends. Their place in your life should be special and above others.
3) You are beautiful –
Even when they don’t look it, or feel it. You need to remind them how beautiful they are, especially when they forget it themselves.
4) I am sorry –
Sometimes when it’s your fault, and sometimes just to finish an argument. Never feel small for being the one who has to apologize, if it can help sort your relationship !
5) I support your decisions –
When you are out in the world, many times your judgement can get clouded, and many times you need to take risks. Remind your significant other that you are there in whatever risk they embark upon, whatever choices they make. Guide them if they are wrong, but never ridicule their opinions !
6) Things are hard, but its worth it –
Going through difficult times in your relationship can be very stressful and torturing. It can lead to many doubts in each other’s minds… but always try to reassure yourself, and the one you love, that every hurdle in your lives, are worth being with each other.
7) I will do better –
Not because you weren’t good now, but because in a healthy relationship, there are ways to improve ourselves, together. Even if its just about being more communicative and understanding with each other’s friends or families.
8) You will always have your space –
Before being a couple, everyone is an individual, with their own lives and responsibilities. Give your partner the time and space to realize these, so that you maybe better with each other, as well as on your own.
9) Differences don’t matter –
…of opinions, interests or whatnot. The important things is how you fit together and nothing else matters.
10) I love you –
Say it like a whisper… shout it from the rooftops. Say it everyday, because these words will never be quite enough !