The nation is cheering for Ranbir Kapoor’s astounding performance in Sanju and Rajkumar Hirani’s flawless art of storytelling. The film has broken all records with its box-office collection on the first weekend itself. Sanju showed various aspects of Sanjay Dutt’s life. However, it didn’t cover some important parts in Sanjay Dutt’s life. The movie is all set to enter the coveted 200 crore club. There are hundreds of stories dangling around Dutt’s life. Actually, a lot of stuff has been kept away from the movie or maybe there were too many things to show on screen. Hirani and his team has kept several things away from the film. The movie also twists the story of his involvement in the 1993 Mumbai Blasts case. It shows that the actor was not involved and had no relation with the guns. It was the media who portrayed him negatively. Many chapters like his first marriage, rumoured affair with Madhuri Dixit have left untouched by the makers.
Here we list down 11 such things which remained untouched in Ranbir Kapoor starrer Sanju.
1. Sanjay Dutt’s Wife Richa Sharma
A biopic cannot touch every aspect of a person’s life. However, a biopic cannot ignore some of the major events of a person’s life. The movie didn’t talk about his previous wife and directly introduced his third wife Maanyata Dutt and his two kids.
2. Alleged link-ups with Madhuri Dixit
The year 1993 was all about Sanjay Dutt’s affair with Madhuri Dixit. There were rumours that the duo was dating when his wife Richa was in New York getting treated for her tumour. Sanjay decided to end his marriage with Richa and wanted to make things official with his girlfriend Madhuri.
3. Cheating on his second wife Rhea Pillai
Right after Madhuri left him, Rhea came into his life and became his pillar of support when Sanjay was in jail. They got married in 1998. Soon, Sanjay got involved with a Pakistani belly dancer named Nadia Durrani. The two parted ways in 2005 and got divorced in 2008.
4. Sanjay Dutt’s Friendship with Salman Khan
Salman and Sanjay had been very close friends. He had a fallout with him once. However, still remained good friends.
5. Sanjay’s first daughter Trishala
The movie has no mention of his previous wives and his first-born Trishala as well. Trishala is Sanjay’s first daughter with Richa Sharma.
6. The Bal Thackeray connection in getting him bail
Everyone can see that Sanjay Dutt was arrested in 1993 in connection with the Mumbai serial blasts in the movie. But nowhere was is shown that it was Shiv Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray lobbied for Sanjay’s bail in 1995. He met Thackeray right after getting bail.
7. Link-ups with Tinu Munim
There were several co-stars who were allegedly linked with Sanjay during the 90s. The speculated list included names such as Madhuri Dixit and Tinu Munim. Tina left Sanjay and it left him heartbroken. He was very possessive about Tina and when they broke up, Sanjay even fired a few shots at his own house.
8. Friendship with Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay was a very close to filmmaker Sanjay Gupta. Gupta gave Sanjay some of the best films of his career after he came out of jail. However, Dutt had a fallout with Sanjay owing to some misunderstanding.
9. Relations With The Samajwadi Party
There has been no mention of Sanjay’s political connections. Sanjay even had plans of contesting in the 2009 parliamentary election. The Supreme Court, however, cancelled his candidature because of legal cases against him and his involvements in the Blasts case. His whole family had been a loyal Congress fan. His father was even a Congress MP. However, Sanjay never liked Congress and even blamed the part for his father’s death.
10. Marriage with Maanyata without sister’s consent
Sanjay married Maanyata without his sister Priya’s consent. When he contested for Lok Sabha elections in 2009, Priya blamed Sanjay’s third wife Maanyata for all the problems in Sanjay’s life. Priya accused Maanyata of influencing and manipulating brother Sanjay to fulfill her own selfish moves.
11. Sanjay Dutt’s connections with the Underworld
The movie blamed media for things that Sanjay did wrong. There was no mention of Sanjay’s connections with the underworld. The movie does not show his alleged connections with Abu Salem and Chota Shakeel.