Have a curiosity to know what successful people do in their last 10 minutes of the work day? If yes, then go ahead with this topic..
1. Finish all the small things of their day
They finish their work even if it’s a small one before dozing off.
2. Make a to do list
They will make a to do list on which they have to work tomorrow.
3. They organize their desks and PC
They will organize their desks and personal computer.
4. Review what they achieved
They will take a quick look of whatever they achieved in a day.
5. Set their next day goals
Whatever goal they need to achieve tomorrow, they will determine it today.
6. Done with the phone calls
They will give a call back to the people who called them in their work time.
7. Updating finance
They will always keep a record of their expenses and revenues of the day.
8. Quick look of a day
They will recall their whole day’s activity.
9. Will realize their mistakes
If they did something wrong then they will definitely try not to repeat it afterwards.
10. Saying a thank you
They will say their thank you to the one who earn it.
11. Saying Sorry
They will definitely do not stretch the things and will apologize to the person who got hurt because of them.
12. Leaving today’s note
They will always leave a today’s note in which they will mention all their important things.
If we missed anything which you know then we will appreciate your points.