1. As soon as the teacher entered, the student sang like a choir “ Gooooooooood Morning Teacher” and got a reply, “Okay, sit down”
2.Showing off our new and stylish school bags, pencil box, and yummiclious tiffin boxes.
“Hey dude, Look how kool my stuffs are!”
3.Now we stare blankly at ceiling. But during school it was the BLACKBOARD
4.Run, Run ! Hitler is coming (Probably, your Math’s teacher) .. Keeping nick name for teachers came easily to us
5. Friends Forever, Bad Boys, Tina, Mina, Seema… May be still now the benches have your name engraved… #Flashback
6.Before the class starts, previous days left chalks, and torn paper become balls. Now, let throw at each other.. Such was the innocence of the school.
7. Rabindranath Tagore became Santa Claus, Gandhi ji became a hairy old man.. All possible in the doodling history class.
8. Before the bell rang for Lunch break, our tiffin boxes were empty and shared
9. Hearing, “Finger on your lips, and head down” during substitute class. Little did we know, we can talk even with finger on our lips?
10. The ideal student, not scoring anytime less than 80 in all the subjects.. The First Benchers
11.All the bright ideas for farewell, sports day, and fest came from the last benchers.
12.For Girls, Flames, Tic Tac Toe & For Boys, Pen fight & Book Cricket were favorite school sit at seat games
13. Performing in Annual Functions, were daring acts and a matter of pride.
14. Watching the clock endlessly till it struck bang on “Chutttttiiii” time.
15. Maintaining queue during assembly, school leaving time.
Tell us what was your favourite school time activity and hastag it with #Flashback