8 Reasons Why We Should Donate Blood For Our Good Health

Giving life to someone is the most noble act a person can do. It is beyond caste, creed, color, social status, boundaries or gender. It is all about humanity. Still, there are people who are hesitant to take a step forward and donate blood.

Donating blood not only helps the receiver, but is also beneficial for to the health of the donor.
Some facts related to same are:

1. Anyone upto the age of 60 years can donate blood. All is required to be medically fit

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2. One Blood Donation will save multiple lives.

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3. Basis the blood group, one can donate and receive blood from other blood groups too

4. Blood Donation improves the cardio-vascular health and can reduce the chances of having a heart attach by 88% and also may reduce the chances of stroke by 1/3rd.

5. Blood Donation decreases the possibility of cancer

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6. Leads to weight loss. A donor burns 650 calories for every pint of donated blood

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7. The process of blood donation enables free analysis of blood and how about your fitness.

It is kind of a mini blood test, including HB level, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and few others too.

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8. Blood Donation replenishes your blood.

image source: Pragati Pathik

Pragati pathik invites you to Blood Donation camp on 6 Sept’15 Sunday 10am @ T.R. Sawhney Motors, Inderprastha Metro Sttn., Delhi.
Register @ bit.ly/isupportlife

I will be there.. See you too!

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