The Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel will make a comeback on the big screen with the sequel of her hit movie “Gadar” which hit the theatres in 2001 and the sequel is slated to release on 11 August 2023. Recently, Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starrer “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha” was re-released in theatres and it got a very good response from audiences. The makers also attached the teaser of the sequel with the first movie of the franchise and seeing the response, it can safely be said that the teaser is also getting loved by movie buffs.
Ameesha Patel who belongs to a rich Gujarati family made her Bollywood debut in 2000 with Hrithik Roshan starrer “Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai” which was one of the biggest hits of all times and then Ameesha was seen in few other blockbusters such as “Humraaz”, “Gadar”, etc. but she didn’t achieve that much success which was expected from her.
Recently, Ameesha Patel gave an interview to an entertainment portal in which she stated that during her initial days in the film industry, she was portrayed as snobbish, arrogant, rich brat by the media because she was not at all interested in gossip and instead of talking ill about others, she preferred to read books even on the sets between her shots.
Ameesha says that she can easily be called a bookworm because she can read a book in 3 days and mediapersons used to say that she is very arrogant and God knows what she thinks of herself. Ameesha Patel revealed that media also used to make fun of the fact that she used to come on sets by a Mercedez, while Hrithik used to come by a Maruti.
Well, sometimes media can be very harsh on celebs but hopefully Ameesha Patel will make a good comeback in her second innings with “Gadar 2: The Katha Continues”.