Anil Kapoor, the famous Bollywood actor, is one of those few celebrities who seem to have stopped ageing as the 66 yrs old actor still looks quite young for his age. Anil Kapoor has given many superhit movies and memorable performances in his career of four decades and recently he filed a case in court in which he asked the court to protect his personality rights.
The actor filed a case through his lawyer Ameet Naik in the Delhi High Court and asked the court to protect his personality rights and stop people from misuse of personal attributes such as his name, image, voice, style, etc.
With this, no one will be able to use his personality attributes without his permission, not even in the form of artificial intelligence, gif or on a digital platform.
Anil Kapoor said in an interview that his personality is his whole life work and he doesn’t want it to be misused in any way, especially when there are many tools in AI which can change anybody’s personal attributes.
Fans of Anil Kapoor are pretty disappointed nowadays as the actor is not a part of the third movie of the “Welcome” series and it is difficult to imagine any film of the “Welcome” franchise without Majnu bhai. It is being said that the actor asked for a hefty amount for doing a role in the movie which the producer refused to pay. As per the reports, Anil Kapoor was of the opinion that Majnu bhai is an iconic character and it has played an important role in making the film hit so he should get a good amount to work in the flick.
Unfortunately, “Welcome 3” will also not feature Nana Patekar which means that there will be no Uday and Majnu in the movie and it is really sad. What do you say?