Vijay Sethupathi starrer Tamil movie “Maharaja” is getting showered with a lot of love and affection by the audiences, while the performances of the actors is outstanding and the film got record views on the digital platform, it also created a controversy because of the violence in the flick especially against the women community.
“Maharaja” is directed by Nithilan Swaminathan and it also stars Anurag Kashyap, Mamta Mohandas, Singampuli, Aruldoss, Natarajan Subramaniam, Abhirami Gopikumar, Munishkanth, Sachana Namidass, Manikandan and Bharathiraja in important roles.
Recently during an interview, Anurag Kashyap opened up on the backlash that “Maharaja” is getting because of the violence, he said that he is fine with the criticism that his movie is getting because of violence as some films will trigger something. He added that in his opinion, violence should be shown real and extreme so that it stops a person from committing it.
Anurag Kashyap was full of praises for the Malayalam cinema, he said that Malayalam filmmakers are telling original stories and they are not catering to the market and instead they are catering to themselves. He referred to the movie “Bramayugam” and said that a film won’t be made in black and white in any other industry and this is why nowadays he is watching more Malayalam movies than Hindi flicks.
Anurag Kashyap further said that Malayalam filmmakers are making movies that they really want to make and they are not scared of taking risks, for example they are casting influencers in important roles just like they did in Aavesham. He slammed Bollywood by saying that in Bollywood, filmmakers will cast big actors for such roles rather than focusing on telling a real story.
Anurag Kashyap feels that the movie “Kill” is different from other action flicks because of the unique approach and he was also upset with Bollywood for mostly relying on the tried and tested formulas rather than trying something new such as “Kill”, “12th Fail”, “Laapataa Ladies”, etc.
Have you watched “Maharaja”? Can’t miss it as it has Vijay Sethupathi!