This Friday saw the release of Laxman Utekar’s directorial debut Luka Chuppi, starring Kriti Sanon and Kartik Aaryan. When the trailer released the film promised to be a fun filled ride, highlighting societal ethos as well.
It kept up with that expectation and portrayed itself to be a clean romantic comedy where the issue of live in relationship have been perfectly dealt with.Major societal issues like caste bias and gender inequality was dealt in a harmless and easy way.
Abhisekh Chaubey’s Sonchiriya also released this Friday with a dark engaging tale to tell. This disturbing yet beautifully captured film set in the ravines of Chambal is a stark critique of patriarchy and caste.
The ensemble caste of Sushant Singh Rajput, Bhumi Pandekar, Manoj Bajpayee and Ranveer Shorey has done a brilliant job while portraying the deep bareness of the region reflected through their consciousness. They were remarkably authentic.
Now,we all know that Luka Chuppi earned 8.01 crores at the first day, breaking Kartik Aaryan’s own record. His film Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 earned 6.80 crore and Sonu Ki Titu Ki Sweety earned 6.42 crores on Day 1.
And now with amazing reviews and stellar performances by the cast, the film is soaring high. As expected, on Saturday the film earned 10.08 crore making the total 18.09 crore.
Whereas, Sonchiriya failed to keep up with Luka Chuppi’s gaining momentum and earned 1.20 crore on Friday and 1.50 crore on Saturday, making a mere total of 2.70 crore till now for itself.
Despite being a dacoit drama with gripping performances which impressed the critics, it failed to make an impressive mark for itself at the box office.
The weekend war is still on for both the films, who do you think will win this?