Bollywood actors Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone make one of the most adorable celebrity couples and their fans just love their PDA which is apparently visible not only when they are spotted together but also on their social media networks and comments on each other’s post.
If you have been following DeepVeer on social media, you must have been aware of their interesting comments that might include just some hearts or kisses or even make fans confused by remarks such as “Daddy” which made people think that Deepika is pregnant. However, the latest comments made by DeePee on the Instagram posts of Ranveer suggest that she is one typical Indian wife.
It so happened that Ranveer shared few photos on Instagram while making an announcement of his association with an eminent speaker brand. The caption that the “Gully Boy” actor wrote was, “Proud to be the Global Brand Ambassador for the Iconic Sound Innovators @jblindia #DareToListen 🎧 #JBL”
Check out the pics:
Unlike typical love comments on their other posts, this time Deepika wrote, “Get some for the home na? kuch paise bach jayenge!!!😝” (Get some for the home so that some money can be saved)
Here’s the comment:
In another post, Ranveer has his headphones on:
To this, the Mastani of Bollywood reacted just like any other wife as she wrote, “I feel like this is how you’ll tune out when I nag you!🤔”
It will be interesting to see how Ranveer will react to these comments of Deepika. How did you find them? Let us know.