Dongri building collapsed in Mumbai on Tuesday and 14 people died in this unfortunate incident. Among the people who died were two kids whose mother lived to relive the horrible moment over and over again all her life. Story of this mother is heartbreaking.
Alima Idris and her sons Shahjad and Harbaz live in a village near Gonda district Uttar Pradesh while her husband Rashid works as a tailor in Mumbai. Recently Rashid rented a room in the city and wanted his wife and children to live with him for few days during kids’ holidays.
The family was planning to return to Gonda by the end of this month but destiny had some other plan. They were pinned under the building which collapsed. Alima talked to her sons and soothed them that their father will soon come to rescue them but gradually both of them fell silent forever.
Alima talked to Mumbai Mirror in JJ Hospital where she is admitted and recalled the dreadful moment while crying uncontrollably. She kept asking her husband, “Why did I agree to come here with the kids? Why didn’t I just stay put in the village?”
The post mortem report says that both the kids died of asphyxiation, and there were no external injuries found on their body. Kids body will be flown to their village on Wednesday. Shahid doubt that his wife will ever come out of the trauma of losing her sons.