The legendary Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan recently turned 80 years old and his fans from all over the world celebrated his birthday in a grand manner. Big B has been entertaining us for a long time now and he seems completely unstoppable even at the age of 80 as he is still working in movies and hosting the quiz show despite the fact that many of his co-stars of 70s-80s have stopped working.
Amitabh Bachchan has done many movies with Dharmendra and most of them have ruled the box-office. 1975 released “Chupke Chupke” is certainly one of the comedy classics of Indian cinema which was directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee and starred Om Prakash, Sharmila Tagore, Asrani, Jaya Bachchan and others along with Dharmendra and Amitabh.
On the occasion of Big B’s birthday, a critic decided to review work of the “Goodbye” actor which he did in the year 1975, the same year when “Chupke Chupke” released. The critic praised Amitabh Bachchan’s acting as nuanced, natural and perfect in the movie.
To celebrate 80 years of Amitabh Bachchan, I zoomed in on one year of Amitabh Bachchan.
In 1975, @SrBachchan did everything –– and did it in style. @Mint_Lounge #AmitabhBachchan80— Raja Sen (@RajaSen) October 12, 2022
However, an online user didn’t agree to it and he called Amitabh the weakest link of the flick. The user wrote, “This fake adulation is laughable! #ChupkeChupke was a #Dharmendra film, he chewed it! #AmitabhBachchan was the weakest link of the film! And in #Sholay in no way Amitabh was better than Dharmendra, they were at best equal! Stop running down @aapkadharam for someone else’s PR!”
This fake adulation is laughable!#ChupkeChupke was a #Dharmendra film, he chewed it! #AmitabhBachchan was the weakest link of the film! And in #Sholay in no way Amitabh was better than Dharmendra,they were at best equal! Stop running down @aapkadharam for someone else's PR!
— Immortality (@ajay36mittal) October 13, 2022
While Amitabh Bachchan didn’t react to it this, the veteran actor Dharmendra gave love to the Twitter user:
So Sweet 💕 Love you Ajay .
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) October 14, 2022
There were few other online users as well who were not happy with the analysis done in the article, here is their reaction:
I think you have gone horribly wrong with analysis. 1972-79 is when @aapkadharam ruled box office. Just that he never indulged in PR and maintained a low profile. Otherwise, with his good looks and versatility he would not have let anyone be near him.
— GS (@gurpreetsareen) October 14, 2022
He never over shadowed Dharmendra in Sholay ⭐. Or chupke chupke ⭐amitabh bachchan was brilliant in both films. But Dharmendra shines bright in both movies too
— Jay Kalirai 🌏 (@ranja100) October 14, 2022
Dharamji was way ahead in both Sholay and Chupke Chupke as his comic timing was superb inspite of the fact that Amitji is an excellent actor but to me Dharamji is more versatile than any b'wood actor he displays his versatility in Satyakam, Phool Aur Pather and Chupke Chupke
— Unnikrishnan Kadamat (@Unnikri36540133) October 14, 2022
While Dharmendra may have sent love to the online user who called Amitabh the weakest link of the film, both the actors are very good friends and the “Yamla Pagla Deewana” actor wished Amitabh on his birthday. Happy Birthday 🎂 Amit .
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) October 11, 2022
Prior to that, Dharmendra also expressed his happiness over the fact that Amitabh is working with Rajshri Productions. In his tweet, he shared an image of a scene from the movie “Sholay” and tweeted, “Amit , love you. I got a news from RajShiri production that you are doing a film with them. Great 👍 . Most talented actor and the best production house together. Wish you all the best”.
Amit , love you. I got a news from RajShiri production that you are doing a film with them. Great 👍 . Most talented actor and the best production house together. Wish you all the best 🙏.
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) October 10, 2022
Dharam paaji, we love you!!!