An FIR was registered against the ex-adult star Sunny Leone,Google CEO and a Bollywood magazine in Ajmer city for allegedly spreading obscenity. Arinjay Jain, who was a subscriber to the Bollywood magazine reportedly found obscene content and pictures of the actress when he followed the link given in the magazine.
He had subscribed to a Bollywood magazine through S K R Sharma, and in one of the Sunny Leone picture in magazine, he could find a link, which landed in the a Google page with more adult and raunchy content. Following the incident, Mr. Jain filed an FIR against the actress, Google CEO and also against the Bollywood magazine for selling such adult content magazine in the market.
A case has been registered under section 292 (sale ofobscene book) of IPC, relevant sections of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act and the IT act. The entertainment journal contained obscene photographs of Leone, SHO Ajmer Kotawali police station Jitendra Gangwani said.
Does Google needs to filter as per different person now?
Or does this man do not know what Sunny Leone previous profession was?
Or, does he know what big and huge Adult Industry is in itself?