Understanding the lyrics of some singers to attempt to adapt Videshi accent, can be quite a tedious task. But worry not, RJ Rahul Sharma is here for your rescue.
He will convert all that is beyond your understanding and some “Vyakhya” which only the singer understands. Yo Yo Honey Singh’s new video – “One Bottle Down” is in his list of the latest song that needs to be translated to the people know what the lyrics actually mean.There is always a hidden meaning behind each and every line of Honey Singh song, and RJ Rahul is helping you decode them.
The so-called Eminem of India, who hopes to grab Grammy one day, makes song so difficult that, we actually need the help of a Decoder, So here its is RJ Rahul Sharma, and his successful attempt to find out the hidden meaning of “One Bottle Down”.
Start grooving dearies, because the theories will blow your mind.:)
Click Here To Watch It Directly On Youtube
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