Akshay Kumar’s latest release “Sarfira” has also failed to make an impact at the box-office just like his past 8 releases and with this, the actor whose presence in a movie was considered the guarantee of a blockbuster once upon a time has now given 9 back-to-back flops which is certainly a matter of concern for him.
“Sarfira” is the remake of Suriya starrer Tamil movie “Soorarai Pottru” (2020) which was a hit and Suriya was also honoured with the National Films Award for Best Actor for his performance but the Hindi version failed in repeating the success of the original movie.
“Sarfira” is said to be made on a budget of Rs. 100 crores but the movie which released on 12 July 2024 has earned around Rs. 22 crores at the domestic box-office till now and Rs. 29 crores worldwide.
Recently, Akshay Kumar gave an interview in which he opened up on the failure of “Sarfira”. He says that a lot of passion, blood and sweat go into make a movie and it is definitely heartbreaking to see the film not working at the box-office. He adds that actors need to see the silver lining that every failure teaches them the value of success and also increases their hunger to achieve success. Akshay Kumar further says that luckily for him, he has learnt these important lessons early in his career. He says that it surely hurts when a movie doesn’t work but it can’t change the fate of the film and it is something which is not in the control of the actor. Akshay Kumar adds that what is in an actor’s control is hard work, he can make changes and give everything in the next movie and this is how he channels his energy and focus on work which matters the most.
Akshay Kumar also talked about the changes that the industry experienced after the COVID-19 pandemic, he said that the dynamics of the industry have changed a lot after the pandemic as now, audiences have become very selective in regard to which movie to watch in theatres and which not to watch, because of which it becomes more important to choose projects which are not just entertaining but unique as well. He further says that now he has become more careful while choosing the content in order to ensure that it resonates with present times and audiences should not regret going to cinema halls for watching the movie. Moreover, he also emphasized on the need to finding content which connects with the audiences.
When Akshay was asked about the biggest obstacle that he faced and overcome in order to become a superstar, he said that it was the mindset of limitation. He says that he comes from a humble background and the idea of making movies in Bollywood was a distant dream for him. He adds that Bollywood is quite competitive and it required not just talent but resilience, hard work and some luck as well. He said that he was adamant, trusted his instincts and remained focused on his goals and he concluded by saying that persistence has played an important role in his journey.
Have you watched “Sarfira”? If yes, what is your review of the movie?