Directed by Shawn Arranha, “Teraa Surroor” starring Himesh Reshammiya in the lead role released this Friday in merely about 1000 screens but still, it had a considerably good opening in terms of Box Office collection. Speaking about the earning of the movie, it had been almost consistent throughout the weekend and overall it made a total collection of ₹ 6.46 cr, ₹ 1.79 cr, ₹ 2.09 cr and ₹ 2.58 cr on Friday, Saturday and Sunday respectively.
#TeraaSurroor Fri 1.79 cr, Sat 2.09 cr, Sun 2.58 cr. Total: ₹ 6.46 cr. Plus film due to controlled costs+recoveries [non-theatrical avenues]
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 14, 2016
It’s creditable on the part of the movie that producers recovered their cost in just first weekend and whatever the movie earns will be the profit now. The makers recovered the production cost even before releasing the movie by selling music rights, satellite rights, etc and they have also sold the movie at reasonable prices so that the distributors also won’t have problem in recovering their money and earn profit.
However, it’s also little shocking to see that “Tera Suroor” is going to be a hit and you ask yourself that what has happened to the Indian audiences that on one hand, they are not only accepting movies like “Tera Suroor” but also making them hit while on the other, masterpieces like Manjhi and Masaan, which were critically acclaimed all around the globe were not able to even recover their cost.