Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had a big wedding reception last night in Mumbai where many Bollywood, TV and Sports celebs were invited. Apart from a handful of Bollywood stars, almost everyone from the BTown was present and therefore the Red carpet was really star-studded.
MS Dhoni arrived for the reception along with his wife Sakshi and cricketer friend Hardik Pandya. While posing at the red carpet of paparazzi a really funny incident happened.
While the Dhoni couple and Pandya were posing for the paps, Sakshi excused herself out. Mahi who found himself alone jokingly asked Pandya to grab his arm which surely made for a hilarious moment. Watch the video below-
Click Here to watch the video on Instagram.
Interestingly, Dhoni allegedly had an affair with Deepika once upon a time and now he along with his wife attended her reception party. Times change and how.