Even though 2015 was not much busy for “Aashiqui 2” actress Shraddha Kapoor, 2016 seems to be carrying lots more opportunities for her. Yes, the gorgeous diva has been signed for “Half Girlfriend”, an upcoming movie by Mohit Suri based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel entitled “Half Girlfriend”. True, Shraddha has not done a number of movies so far but she has been praised for her acting as well as singing talent in whatever movies she has acted in.
Talking about “Half Girlfriend”, three interesting facts can be associated with the venture; first of all, it’s her 3rd movie with Mohit Suri, the other two being “Aashiqui 2” and “Ek Villain”. The 2nd amazing thing is that this will be her 2nd movie based on a novel, the first being “Haider” and the last but not the least; in “Half Girlfriend”, she will be playing the role of a Delhi-based girl.
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? So are you ready to watch her as “Half Girlfriend”? Share your views in this connection in the comments section below.