Salman Khan starrer “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan” will release on 21st April 2023 and with this movie, beautiful Palak Tiwari will make her Bollywood debut. Palak is already a very famous name as she is the daughter of popular actress Shweta Tiwari and audiences loved her when she appeared in the music video of Harrdy Sandhu’s “Bijlee Bijlee”.
However, not many people are aware of the fact that Palak Tiwari also worked as assistant director in Salman Khan and Ayush Sharma starrer “Antim: The Final Truth”. In an interview, Palak talked about Salman Khan’s behaviour on the sets and how concerned he was about the females associated with his movie.
Palak states that Salman Khan has a rule that all the females on his set shouldn’t have low necklines and they should be covered like good proper girls. Palak further says that Salman is a traditionalist who is very protective about the women whom he works with.
She adds that though Salman Khan has no objection to what a girl wears and he is like “wear what you want to wear” yet if there are people (men) on the sets whom he doesn’t know properly and can’t trust them, then he is very concerned about the safety of women.
What is your opinion in regard to Salman Khan’s protective nature? Share with us.