The police have quite literally become very advanced and technologically upgraded, especially the Goa police. The couple from Madhya Pradesh who came to Panaji, Goa indulged in some adultery on road while riding a rented bike. A Goa public noticed the couple who were driving very rashly and indulged in more than Public Display of Affection (PDA).
The person did not reported to the police directly, rather he uploaded the picture in Facebook and circulated it in Whatsapp. And, this is how the police got came to know about the couple. The police noticed the registration number of the bike through the pictures and traced the location of the hotel where they were staying. The couple was charged with fine for rash and negligent driving by the police.
The couple was driving in the Mandovi bridge where you can see the couple without helmet and the girl straddling in front of the guy.
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