Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday at 8 PM, announced the demonetization of the high currency notes, the Rs. 500-1000 notes became illegal tender after his announcement. This move of banning the Rs 500 and 1000 currency notes is taken to free the nation from the black money which is stashed in the safes and lockers of the corrupt people. With this move Narendra Modi has amputated the corrupt and dishonest people who gathered a load of money by illicit means.
While most of the citizens are applauding the move, some are criticizing the decision, saying Modi government should have done their homework properly. The entire nation is experiencing the inconvenience in exchanging the notes. There are many politicians who are slamming this decision.
The demonetization step hasn’t gone well with Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray. Raj has slammed Modi government for taking such a big decision without doing a proper planning. If there was no serious thought behind the decision then it was a serious issue, said the MNS chief.
Raj Thackeray said the demonetization move was taken without considering about the people, there was no proper planning, due to which the common people are suffering now. They must have thought about how the common people would react to the move; banning the Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes overnight created a chaos and the situation escalated quickly.
Raj Thackeray believes that if the demonetization move taken by PM Modi fails, then there will be serious crisis in the country.
Raj said that instead of demonetizing the Rs. 500-1000 notes, the government should have taken some action against the people with black money. He said,
Everyone knows who has got how much black money. Why didn’t the government take action against them instead of asking people to stand in long queues.
Raj also questioned PM Modi about the deaths of 40 people who died in bank and ATM queues, he asked whether anyone of them has black money?
Raj even pointed fingers at Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor and said,
Urjit Patel was advisor in Reliance and now Reliance Jio is given free service till December 30. Incidentally, the last day of transaction is also December 30. Is it a mere coincidence? I am not getting answers to this.
So guys, what’s your take on this? Do share your views on this in our comments section below…