Remember Mahi Talwar From Mahi Way? You’ll Be Shocked To Know What She’s Upto Now!

Remember “Mahi Way”? Yes, the popular and one of the most loved TV shows of all time which created a magic on people on account of a unique story and amazing script. But what made it stand out were its out of the ordinary characters as well as the star cast which made the show lively, especially the role of protagonist Mahi Talwar portrayed by the wonderful actress Pushtiie Shiv Shakti. However, if we tell you what she is upto now, you just won’t believe!!


It would come to you as a great surprise cum shock that Pushtiie is a yogini and is endowed with healing powers. What’s more, she assists women in awakening as well as embracing femininity to the fullest.

Here are few pics of Pushtiie Shiv Shakti:

As per Pushtiie, “I’ve had healing powers since I was born. I’d sit on people’s laps as a child and be able to heal them. I want everyone to understand that the power to do everything lies within them and they shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells them otherwise.”

Besides, the “Mahi Way” is a certified Yoga trainer as well. This is what she maintained about her acting career, “I only want to take up work if it’s interesting. I can’t keep doing the same old things over and over.”

On being asked about the second season of “Mahi Way”, Pushtiie said laughing, “I hope so. I’m waiting for it too.”



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