Recently, Sakshi Dhoni had posted a sweet picture on Instagram, where her husband, our Mahi, was seen tying her shoes. It was quite an adorable gesture on his part, but not many seemed to agree.
She had captioned it, “You paid for the shoes so you tie them tooo 🤗😘 !!!” This brought in a lot of hate from fans and followers who felt this was disrespectful and was nothing but a display of attitude on her part.
But we beg to disagree. It was actually a really sweet gesture, and things were simply blown out of proportion. But Sakshi Dhoni sure knows how to handle trollers and haters like a boss. Today, she posted another picture, which shows Dhoni tying a bracelet on her hand.
She captioned this one, “You paid for the band so you screw it too 🤗😘 #Round2” This is one sassy reply, which is sure to shut down all haters. And it worked! The comments on the new post were nothing but positive ones, and people really appreciate the fact that she did not take this lying down. Check out the comments:
We are loving the sarcasm in her post. Bring it on, haters!