Shahid Kapoor, the Bollywood actor is all set for the release of his next movie “Bloody Daddy” which is going to release on 9 June 2023 on a digital platform and he is attending various events and interviews for the purpose of promoting his movie. Shahid made his digital debut some time back with “Farzi” and “Bloody Daddy” is going to be his second movie on a digital platform.
Recently, Shahid Kapoor talked about some interesting incidents of his journey during an interview and he called the day on which he shot a song with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as the worst and the best day of his life. Shahid Kapoor is also known as a pretty good dancer and he joined Shiamak Davar dance classes during his young days. He has also worked as background dancer in quite a few movies including “Taal” and “Dil Toh Pagal Hai”.
Shahid Kapoor revealed that when he was on the way to shoot the song “Kahin aag lage lag jaaye”, he met with an accident and fell off the bike. However, he still reached the location and shot the song and he feels that it is both the best and the worst day of his life.
Shahid Kapoor was also a background dancer in one of the songs of “Dil Toh Pagal Hai” but it is also not a good memory for the actor because he used to feel nervous all the time and was afraid that things might get spoiled because of him.
“Bloody Daddy” is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and the movie also stars Ronit Roy, Diana Penty, Sanjay Kapoor and others.