The Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and his mother and veteran actress Sharmila Tagore recently appeared in the talk show Koffee with Karan and they talked their hearts out on various issues including Saif Ali Khan’s divorce with his first wife Amrita Singh.
Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh got married in the year 1991 and what made their marriage a topic of discussion was the fact that Amrita was 13 years older to Saif. The “Hum Tum” actor was just 21 yrs old when he got married, the couple got separated in 2004 and they both have two kids – Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan.
Saif Ali Khan revealed that his mother was the first one whom he told about his decision to separate from Amrita and Sharmila Tagore’s support in this matter really helped him.
Sharmila Tagore also talked about that time and said that break-up is not easy when people live together for so many years and there are wonderful kids in the family. She said that it was not harmonious and it is not possible to have harmony at that stage as everyone was hurt and upset. She said that Amrita needed to cool down at that time and they both worked it out together.
Sharmila Tagore added that it is not just about living separately but there are many other things involved in it. She said that it was not good time for her and Tiger Pataudi as well because they both were very fond of kids and Tiger was especially fond of Ibrahim who was three years old at that time. She added that they were double deprived as they had to lose Amrita and the kids as well so it was not just Saif who was affected but they both (Sharmila and Tiger) were also affected and they also had to adjust.
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