The actor who has no dearth of awards and accolodes now was once a desperate young foolish person. Shahrukh Khan, who started his career with a TV show went onto become the most loved actor in the world. But today when he looks back at the days left behind he is proudly accepts his fault and is ready to take the charge for it.
With his FAN movie just round the corner, we are keeping our hopes high that we will find more such honest stuff from him.
In 1994, SRK was so proud of his work and desperate to bag the Filmfare Award, that he went upto the director and said him , If you want money, I am ready to pay but the Filmfare Award for Best Actor has to go to me. Fortunately or unfortunately, the editor refused, the system doesn’t work like that… But as karma would have it… The Award did went to none other than Shahrukh Khan.
Watch those days of foolishness here….
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube…
SRK Just clarified in a recent interview saying those were the days when he was young and foolish.. Now just foolish..
Indeed, he has the guts to accept his fault and smile on it..
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