Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput took his own life on 14th June, 2020, leaving his family, relatives, friends and fans in a state of distress and disbelief. He was found hanging at his Bandra apartment and such a drastic step from a jovial person as Sushant was had shocked many. It is being said that he was suffering from depression and was undergoing the treatment for the same as well. Nevertheless, several reports suggest that he stopped taking his medicine for some time now and his house help also revealed that the actor was upset for past few days.
Many celebrities including politicians and people from film, television and sports industry took to social media to mourn Sushant’s departure while few celebs like Shraddha Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Rhea Chakraborty attended his funeral instead of just expressing feelings on Twitter and Instagram and this gesture was appreciated by people.
It won’t be wrong to say that people who were close to Sushant could not come on terms with his departure for some time and didn’t understand what to say. They are now taking to social media and expressing their feelings.
Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor also recently shared few stories and post on Instagram while remembering her “Chhichhore” co-star and friend Sushant Singh Rajput.
One of her stories read, “There is the rare kind you meet; the one who makes you feel special, who makes you feel good about yourself, who showers you with kindness and love and HE was one of them”.
Check out the Instagram stories shared by Shraddha Kapoor:
She also posted a couple of pics with caption,
“Been trying to accept what has happened and coming to terms with it is very difficult. There is a huge void… Sushant…! Dearest Sush…! Full of humility, intelligence, curiosity about life, seeing beauty in everything, everywhere! He danced to his own tune!
I always looked forward to seeing him on set, wondering what captivating interaction we would have next! Apart from being a wonderful co-actor who put his heart and soul in to his work, he was at his core, an amazing person. He cared for people and wanted to see them happy. His kind smile, the conversations we had at shoot about the Cosmos, different philosophies, the moments we spent together, were filled with magical wonderment! During a lovely musical and poetry filled get together at his home (he loved music and poetry), he showed me the moon from his telescope and I was so speechless that I could see it’s exquisite beauty up close!! He wanted to share that feeling! Our Chhichhore gang went to his beautiful home in Pavna, where we were awestruck together with the peace and calm of the nature around us – he loved nature! He saw things through a kaleidoscopic lens and wanted to share that with everyone around him. He was mesmerized by the simplest things and would muse on them in a genius way…! He was truly, One of a kind… I’ll miss you.. dearest Sush..
Shine on… ✨💜”
Here are the photos:
See the Instagram post:
There is no denying the fact that Sushant was a versatile and multi-talented person and the vacuum created by his departure can never be filled. People have been very angry with Bollywood’s prominent personalities and blaming nepotism prevailed in the showbiz industry. An FIR has also been filed against some filmmakers and production houses for allegedly banning Sushant Singh Rajput.